ReMed?s comprehensive menu
of services offers a myriad of perfect solutions for
claims and legal professionals to confidently evaluate the
objective merits of an accident or negligence claim and the
medical appropriateness of past or future medical care for
the following types of personal injury claims:
Auto/Fleet/Trucking/Mass Transit
General Liability
Product Liability
Professional Nursing or Medical Negligence
ReMed recognizes the importance and value that automated claims data and analytic programs provide to the claims industry. However, at ReMed, we believe many personal injury claims, particularly complex, suspicious or large loss claims, benefit when an “in-depth” medical record review analysis is performed by nurses or physicians who have the necessary education, professional skill set and claim review experience.
The current state of the claims industry involves a high-volume fast-paced environment with an increased workforce of novice claims professionals. At the same time, many personal injury claimants quickly seek legal representation.
Bodily injury claim evaluations and settlements often take a significant amount of time, knowledge and expertise. They can require attention to detail and a sophisticated understanding of biomechanics, standards of care, case management and medicine.
Our clients find that ReMed’s review services offer invaluable information to the claims resolution process that automated software programs cannot perform such as: